It is exactly five years since I left the General Service Unit headquarters where I was based for around eight years. These are what I would call my foundation years in my career as a police officer. In these eight years, I worked in an operational area for one year and later played hockey for the the Kenya Police hockey team though I was occasionally involved in other mainstream GSU duties. However, it is at this time that I was able to to join several institutions of higher learning for evening classes. I was privileged to have undertaken self sponsored undergraduate and post graduate courses from 2008- 2015.
Studying would not have been possible were it not for the support I received from the Kenya Police Hockey Team members. This was in the form of time and moral support. One man however stood out. He is now a Police Sergeant who also left the GSU and joined the General duty police. In his hands, every officer who wanted to pursue further studies was able to do so. We jokingly called him Gaddafi. He was strict and fatherly. His official name- Sergeant Munyi. I forever remain indebted to him.
Beyond studying, I accidentally came across information on blogging- I immediately opened a blog and started sharing my story. It is this vital piece of information that would make the foundation of what I have been doing for the last five years. Though I am not a trained Journalist, my blogging experience gave me an opportunity to join the NPS communications unit based at the Inspector General’s office where I worked for four years. This was another amazing four years in my policing career.
It is at this time that as a team player, I was involved in communicating the NPS Agenda. This was mainly on Social Media- Facebook, and Twitter. We also did press releases and statements. This we were doing as guided by the NPS Communication strategy. The main duties included creating online visibility of the NPS, promoting understanding of the NPS by the public, maintaining a platform for intelligence collection where members of the public would report issues affecting their security and move all we were able to provide real time updates on unfolding events that affected public safety and security.
The working environment here was amazing. I was able to develop myself and at least start a family - something I had tried before and failed miserably. I also for the first time boarded a plane- Twice to the US, Once to Tanzania and lastly once to Mombasa. I doubt that would have been possible if I was at the GSU (Sounds Petty?.)
I however missed another opportunity to Travel to Russia for training - my place was taken by another female officer under unclear circumstances. I felt bad.
After these four amazing years, I left NPS Headquarters and Joined the DCI Corporate Communications and Public Affairs Unit for one amazing year. I dilligently undertook my duties in there. We excelled in what we did. We broke barriers and climbed heights. We produced the first and second edition of the DCI Magazine. As a team member, I worked with other officers well. I learned a lot from them. Am sure they also learned from me. We were more than a family.
Exactly a year down the line, my transfer came. I didn’t expect it. It hit me hard- but I had to leave. Though I would have wished to work there for longer, it was time to leave. No other option. The circumstances not very favourable but that is a story for another day.
Off to Lang’ata Police Division.